Cross Box Hand Carved All Wood Signed Piece of Tim Weberding Retired 3x4x1 1/2
$25 by Kathy's Kreations in Kingwood, 1 days ago
This a spectacular piece of work and is beautiful. This cross measures 3 x 4 x 1.5 inches. It is made with a light colored wood and a medium colored wood. This was hand crafted by Tim Weberding, a second generation master wood carver, who lives and has his shop in Indiana. It is signed on the back "Tim Weberding Woodworking (with their logo) and then says made in the USA, and finally has the signature of Tim Weberding. This box is almost like a puzzle. And the great thing is the lid goes on either way. When on what I call upside down, it gives the cross a new look and a new color. This is a retired piece and no longer offered in his catalog. Don't miss out because obviously this is the only one I have. This came from Best Wishes Gifts shop that used to be on North Park Drive and she carried a lot of his pieces. This is the only one so don't miss out.
Posted in: Collectibles.
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