ManaMed leg massager delivers a targeted massage for fresh legs on-the-go. Using improved technology our leg massager is completely portable and delivers dynamic air compression to the calf muscles to increase circulation, reduce pain and tension in the legs.
Lightweight wearables and TSA approved, along with our intuitive user controls, allow you to keep moving while getting muscle relief.
All in one unit – No hoses and no separate control unit so you can truly be On-the-Go with your dynamic air compression massage
Made specifically for the calf muscles, it pushes blood from your lower calf to your upper calf, relieving calf muscle soreness and rejuvenating your entire lower body.
Targeted dynamic air compression massage on the calves is scientifically proven to significantly reduce inflammation and pain and increase circulation throughout your entire lower body.
Amazon sells this for $197. I can meet you in the Humble, Kingwood or Atascocita area.
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